Lavender at the Plateau de Valensole

Lavender at the Plateau de Valensole

I grabbed a friend and off we went to the Plateau de Valensole to capture the magic of lavender season in full-swing in Provence. This is a must-visit experience for locals and visitors alike. Truly Luxe Provence!  The fields are generally in bloom from the end of June to mid-July, depending on the season, prior to being cut for production. The Plateau de Valensole is located in the Haute-Provence in the Parc Naturel ...

Escape to Haute Provence

Escape to Haute Provence

It's that special moment in Haute Provence that everyone dreams. Having had a warm winter this year, the lavender has already started to bloom a few weeks. A most magical sight to behold and a must-visit experience. THE place to view lavender fields in their full glory is definitely the Haute Provence region's famed, Plateau de Valensole. Each year, starting from mid- to late-June through most of July, this plateau of 800 km in altitude pops to brilliant life with unbelievable ...

Weekend Escape at The Coquillade

Weekend Escape at The Coquillade

Of course, there's nothing I enjoy more than a beautiful weekend escape in Provence, especially with a group of gorgeous girlfriends.  There are so many stunning and distinctly charming micro-regions in Provence that it is a surprise to many who visit, and even live here. Most recently, we covered highlights from Les Alpilles region of Provence. This time,  I share a glimpse further north to the Luberon between Roussillon and the Colorado de Rustrel, part of ...

Weekend Escape to Les Alpilles

Weekend Escape to Les Alpilles

Despite living in Provence for over four years now, I never grow tired of exploring and rediscovering the many, authentic and beautiful regions this area has to offer. Inspired by my return visit to the Les Carrières de Lumière last week for the Chagall Opening, I decided it was due time for a new feature on discovering the "Les Alpilles" region. I have since learned there's quite a lot happening at the moment, from ...

Chagall Arrives in Les Baux March 4

Chagall Arrives in Les Baux March 4

After welcoming over 513,000 visitors for Michelangelo, Leonardo de Vinci and Raphael: The Giants of the Renaissance, the Les Carrières de Lumières in Baux-de-Provence prepares to launch their next ambitious artistic project devoted solely to Marc Chagall (1887 - 1985).  The Chagall exhibit marks the first time a Les Carrières installation is devoted to only one artist and is set to begin March 4, 2016 continuing through January 8, 2017. This is a must-see for visitors and locals alike. Les ...

Truffle Season in Provence

Truffle Season in Provence

In a little corner of paradise at Chateau Barbebelle, Rognes there lives a man called Alex who hunts for truffles every year. His humble, rustic house and gardens have been lovingly restored and made beautiful, right down to the gorgeous hand made tiles in his kitchen. The garden is dominated by a giant pig called Jeffrey. Jeffrey is six years old and his first five winters were spent sniffing out truffles and uncovering ...

Culturespaces, Carrières de Lumières, Nimes

Culturespaces, Carrières de Lumières, Nimes

Living in France now for over three years, I have had the opportunity to experience the many wonderful historic and cultural sites managed by Culturespaces, from the stunning Carrières de Lumières in Les Baux de Provence, to the incredible roman monuments and Arena of Nimes, Antique Theater of Orange and the latest addition, the Hotel de Caumont in Aix-en-Provence. What is Culturespace? Culturespaces was founded in 1990 by Bruno Monnier, its current chairman.  For 20 years ...

Luxe Provence Launch Event Video Just In…
Sneak Peek Caumont Centre d’Art

Sneak Peek Caumont Centre d’Art

Built in the first half of the 18th century, the Hôtel de Caumont is the work of Parisian architect Robert de Cotte, built under the supervision of Georges Vallon. Starting in July 2013, an extensive restoration program was launched to restore the Hôtel de Caumont to its former glory, while adding some special Provencal touches. The Hôtel de Caumont will be a center for art and culture, an elegant venue for Luxe Events here in Aix-en-Provence's ...

Escape Along The Route of the Mimosas