Culturespaces, Carrières de Lumières, Nimes

Living in France now for over three years, I have had the opportunity to experience the many wonderful historic and cultural sites managed by Culturespaces, from the stunning Carrières de Lumières in Les Baux de Provence, to the incredible roman monuments and Arena of Nimes, Antique Theater of Orange and the latest addition, the Hotel de Caumont in Aix-en-Provence.

les baux de provence Carrières de Lumières

What is Culturespace?
Culturespaces was founded in 1990 by Bruno Monnier, its current chairman.  For 20 years his ambition has been to bring the wonder of France’s magnificent monuments, exciting stories, sublime collections and delightful gardens alive. His goal is to pass on this heritage and his true passion for art and history to a wide audience.  In order to achieve this, Culturespaces has developed a unique expertise to serve visitors and the world of culture: the promotion and overall management of monuments, museums and historical sites. I have found their work, approach and vision innovative, refreshing and a pleasure to experience here in Provence, from the recent Art Exhibition featuring Canaletto at the Hotel Caumont in Aix, to the always impressive art shows in Carrières de Lumières, to the “Great Roman Games” spectacle in Nimes’ beautifully intact Roman Arena, just to name a few.

nimes arena

Our travel and tour partner, Unique Provence, offers private VIP visits for our Luxe Provence event guests to some of these fabulous places that can also serve as the most incredible event venue in Provence, offering a unique cultural richness to a special event celebration.  Laura Jullien, Travel Planner for Unique Provence, features some of the amazing Provencal historians and caretakers, behind the scenes of these historic monuments, places and sites on her Facebook page, the Humans of Provence.

villa jardin ephrussi cote d'azur

Contact us to help plan your Luxe Provence Events for a mix of culture, natural beauty and luxury event planning…

See also our interiors feature on Hotel Caumont


Photo Credits: Carrières de Lumières provided by Unique Provence; Nimes Arena by Tarik Koivisto, Villa and Jardins Ephrussi from Culturespaces